When your film is modified and finish it is now ready for revealing. If you had not before, look around for film festivals and competitors. Frequently, your local community will have some sort of film celebration that you could get in. Even if you win some award at a small, community film celebration, you can then say that you are an award-winning filmmaker.
To be a filmmaker is to have a broad view mindset on a small image budget plan. It is difficult to remain true to the story when you have a bottom line that is keeping you from the production. One of the factors you wish to talk your film up is that, in the start, you will need to find a team. Typically you will need to use talent that is ready to work for nothing (or next to absolutely nothing). You might have to act in your own movie as well.and write, direct it, and edit it. Do what you need to do to get the movie "in the can" and ready to edit.
The film isn't majorly difficult, but it can be difficult sometimes. If you like to have a go at things then you can purchase the movie and attempt to install it yourself.
Make sure the locked movie script is tight as possible before investing one dollar of film financier cash. A screenplay that is overwritten and packed with fluff will burn through production money quick.
I think it's more a case of nostalgia. Only in the last few years have I been able to pay for quality medium format movie equipment, albeit used and years old. They're constructed like tanks and have actually lenses made from high quality glass. Yes - they're heavy and awkward, however the image quality is extraordinary. After shooting rough 35mm slides for years, I was now ready to emulate work done by real magazine photographers. I even bought a scanner that permits me to scan the bigger format movies.
Bear in mind to check out any contract totally and carefully. Make sure you are just providing the supplier the rights to distribute the movie and absolutely nothing else. Make sure you aren't providing them too much film studios money for doing so, they do get a cut of the sales, however ensure they are just getting what's fair to them. Having an attorney examine any contracts is always an excellent idea if you can manage one.